I wish..

that Bug would sleep through the night. Even just one night that Bumblebee would snap out of these awful stomping, whiny, crying tantrums that Monkey would lose a little bit of the ‘big boy on campus’ attitude he cultivates every day he goes to big school that my dogs could live forever, same goes forContinue reading “I wish..”

I wish I had been told

Just a small list of a couple of things I wish people had warned me about beforeĀ I embarked on this crazy journey called “Motherhood”: You will never feel like an adult. Ever. Even when you have two children. In fact, you will probably feel more like a child than ever before as you stoop toContinue reading “I wish I had been told”

Time Zones

As you probably have realised, while reading my last couple of posts, is that we went to America for a two week holiday. We had a family reunion for one of the weekends but to travel to America is a very long and arduous journey so we decided to make it into a proper holiday….aContinue reading “Time Zones”

The Big Question

When you become a parent there are obviously lots of questions racing through your mind at a speed that could literally blow your brain through your ears – some are more pressing than others, such as how will I keep this baby alive when I lose my house keys on an hourly basis? And otherContinue reading “The Big Question”

Delayed…Cancelled….Hell as we Know it

Overseas Travelling. Ah, overseas. The idea evokes excitement, wonder, joy, courage, fear, education and so on and so bloody forth. Travelling overseas with kids? Wait, I have to wipe away my tears and calm my shaking hand. Flying to Frankfurt and then to Denver takes 21 hours (11 to Frankfurt and 10 to Denver) andContinue reading “Delayed…Cancelled….Hell as we Know it”

Whoop Whoop!

ok, ok, ok, I know I have said this before but I mean it this time – I. AM. BACK! Here is a very brief history at what as happenedĀ  in the interim….. Six months ago Bumblebee got croup and life went steadily downhill after that. Because of the croup his grommets got impacted inContinue reading “Whoop Whoop!”