
Last week was one of those weeks where I found myself continuously asking “why?”. Why is Bumblebee regressing and pooing in his pants again? Why do we not have water? And/or electricity for that matter? Why is it when one child behaves the other one becomes a fully fledged monster of hell? Why do myContinue reading “Why?”


I think we need to stop taking holidays. I think we need to stay at home, quarantine ourselves, order takeaways and watch TV 24/7 because honestly, after these past few holidays I am scared for the next one. Although the idea of staying at home with three kids doesn’t exactly fill me with glee either.Continue reading “Cursed”

The Terrible T’s

Teething Tantrums Tiredness   They are all bad in their own right, combined they are nightmarish. Thankfully Bug has not started throwing tantrums, she is all teething and tiredness since she has forgone her afternoon nap these past few days. All three of my children have reacted to tiredness in different ways, with Bug comingContinue reading “The Terrible T’s”

The day is long

when you have been awake since 4:30am, with numerous wakeups during the night. That day is made even longer when your baby decides not to sleep longer than 35 minutes. Of course it is Monday today so that should have been my first clue that not all was right with the universe. My second clue shouldContinue reading “The day is long”

On Repeat

Was today better than last week Monday? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha No. It wasn’t. Bumblebee’s inflamed ear became a fully fledged ear infection therefore his tantrums last week Monday were really  just a warm up to this Monday. Monkey coughed through the weekend and the last time he did this I thought he was faking it untilContinue reading “On Repeat”

I wish..

that Bug would sleep through the night. Even just one night that Bumblebee would snap out of these awful stomping, whiny, crying tantrums that Monkey would lose a little bit of the ‘big boy on campus’ attitude he cultivates every day he goes to big school that my dogs could live forever, same goes forContinue reading “I wish..”

The Holidays Part 2

I don’t know what it is about 2018 but its been a pretty shit year so far. I can’t put my finger on what exactly has made it feel so gloomy but there have been lots of small things. Small things that, of course, eventually lead to big things. So when April rolled around DContinue reading “The Holidays Part 2”

The Holidays Part 1

December holidays were a nightmare. Probably one of the worst holidays we as a family have ever had! We all kept getting sick, including Bug who was only five months old! Our illness ranged from gastro to some bacterial infection that rendered us useless. And just as we all started to feel better and theContinue reading “The Holidays Part 1”